Threat Prevention - DYXnet CloudShield

Establishing a solid cybersecurity foundation

Defeat Security Breaches and Overcome Zero-day Threats on Cloud

The emerging digital economy and technologies have created unprecedented security risks. Businesses have become more vulnerable to cyberthreats as the daily operations are now heavily integrated into information technology. DYXnet CloudShield improves your cybersecurity readiness level with robust firewall and advanced threat prevention, ensuring your operation with adequate security for business continuity and growth. Leveraging DYXnet CloudShield, you can easily secure workloads and applications running in hybrid and public cloud environments, thus mitigating risks from breaches, data leakage and zero-day threats.

Why DYXnet CloudShield Solution

Protect you from Malware, ransomware and other types of attacks

Inspect traffic entering and leaving subnets in virtual environments

Consistent security policy management, enforcement, and reporting

Securely deploy workloads to virtualized cloud networks

Advanced network security service insertion (L4-L7) and automation

Key Features

Security features
Firewall, DLP, IPS, Application Control, IPsec VPN, Antivirus and Anti-Bot. SandBlast adds Threat Extraction and Threat Emulation for zero-day attacks

Threat Extraction

Removes exploitable content, and promptly delivers sanitized content to user

Threat Emulation
Prevents infections from new malware and targeted attacks, using threat sandboxing with the best possible catch rate, and is virtually immune to evasion techniques

Unified Security Management
Provides consistent security policy management, enforcement, and reporting for public, private, hybrid-clouds and on-prem networks in a single pane-of-glass

SSL / TLS traffic inspection
With traffic forwarding and SNI support for advanced threat prevention inside secure SSL traffic

Seamless cloud-native integration

Integrate with Azure, AWS, Google Cloud, Oracle Cloud, Alibaba Cloud, Huawei Cloud, Tencent Cloud, IBM Cloud, Cisco ACI, VMware ESXi / NSX, KVM and OpenStack seamlessly

Next Generation Threat Protection provides all-round protections

Next Generation Firewall vs Next Generation Threat Protection
VPN (IPsec)
Application Control
Content Awareness
URL Filtering

Solution Brochures

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